Friday, January 27, 2012

Green Way

I’m a person who doesn’t have incorporated green behaviors. Because of that I’m not prepared too much to talk about this. So, I imagine that potential green people learns about green ways of life through their own relationships, their conversations and experiences about it. They can be consider like a ‘community’ or association. I guess the family is  very important important space too. I think familiar traditions founded in the importance of environment responsibility of the man on his planet and what is humans role with nature are very influential to create a green conscience
As I mentioned yet, I don’t have incorporated green habits too much. I always have considered that my family has the classical -in ‘older’ sense- ways of domestic trash treatment, and a less-committed kind of relationship with nature, in general.
However, I  try to be a more committed person to environment principally using my legs walking when it is possible.  I use to drive in a car, but if I would have a bike I will ride on it to several places.
I don`t join any eco-organisations but I support its causes. I don’t say the environmental practices is unnecessary or something like that, but I think some things are more urgent to be solve out by social system.
I would like to contribute with the construction of a discourse about pollution as a consequence of the ‘material progress’ or, in another way, the freedom that market have to make money at the expense of environment.
I try to be more responsible  with my waste and avoid the abusive consumption of disposable assets. I think this is a minimum contribution to reduce our personal carbon footprint.
In our society we should to demand a better education in general which includes a new paradigm of the relationship between man and earth. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Charity slams David Cameron's Work Programme for unemployed

The news about welfare reforms in England are in vogue nowadays. This kind of reform means that because of citizen’s social demands the social system needs some structural adjusts because these demands means problems have turned into social dissatisfied.
The David Cameron’s work policy in England held by Employment Minister Chris Grayling to facing unemployment problems is in a critical moment at the present because of a dispute between some relevant actors on economic issues.
This unemployment plan involves charities and private firms or institutions to set up a structure of opportunities to unemployed people of the country which consist basically in give work experience and a special unemployed training. This strategy is supported by the effective relationship between public and private institutions mentioned.
Voluntaries institutions claim that the private firms have incurred in illegal economical practices with them. They request that private firms of employment failed to the agreements in relation to pay commissions for contracts that they sign when an unemployed person get any job thanks to private area.
The association of voluntaries institutions claims that privates use them to attract -“like a bid-candy”- unemployed people and sign contracts, and then don’t reward to voluntaries.
This kind of practices, getting dirty the social space ‘in the name’ of a public interest as the unemployment policy, which is totally manipulated to cover up high levels of private firms profits.  

To get more information about this news, go to:

Friday, January 20, 2012

Music, here i go!

Talk about music is an interest thing to me because I love it. I like a lot of music styles and i really enjoy with several kind of bands work’s, singers and groups. However, the music that I listen since I was a child and which I most have played as a drummer is the funky music of 70’s mixed with moderns rock ways.

I listen to music every moment that I can do it. Nowadays. due to technological advances we can listen our favorite music everywhere and in a different moments of a day, and that makes that each days moments are the moment to an special group or songs. I enjoy to listen my favorite musical bands on the bus, in car, or walking around the city to the work or university. I also love playing music with my band, and listening in that rehearsal moments to our creations.

I apreciatte to the 'rock and roll' in its various forms, but one of my favorite groups are the Red Hot Chili Peppers, a band which I consider which an important part of ‘soundtrack of my life’. Their first albums are very influential to me about the way of listen and play music. When I was a child, with their early years of releases and concerts I was a deep impression to me. A funky rythm plus a rock way to play guitar plus a ‘nigga’ form to sing, gave to me a pleasure that I haven’t felt anymore, with other bands.

How you can imagine music is maybe to me, my life. In this moment of my life I noticed that I really would like to be not a sociology but a musician.

Friday, January 6, 2012

¿What is the Happiness?

To me, talking about Happiness is really a complicated thing. I’m not certain if happiness is something real or not. To me, happiness is not an stable propertie of humans, but a momentary sensation that we can feel because of many reasons . Because of that we can say that the happiness is a subjective thing. I think those reasons should be pursues by the people to be happier persons.
For example, I am happy when my soccer team Universidad Católica defeats archirrivals, wins any tournament, or wins at foreign fields. To see the team appears on the field is always an emotive moment to me, which almost reaches the feeling of the happiness.  I feel the happiness when I do something important that I had to do. I am also very happy eating a lot with my girlfriend.
Basically, I say the people must to spend their time in activities that them really enjoy to reach the happiness.
In Chile, I see a lot of unhappy persons. I am nobody to set a reason of that situation, but I think that in our country the possibilities to do that we love to do are very limitated. There are a little space to music, to sports, not green spaces or something like that. However I also see a lot of people whose have the capacity to demand these spaces because they really want to live in armony whit their spirits and feelings. And that is a good thing, a hope for a better Chile to live.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Into West Coast

If something is certain is that I really like to travel. The thing that I most enjoy of travelling is to know people in strange places and learning about these places trough the conversation with people. I enjoy to soak up of their cultures and compares with our culture.
I don’t know too many countries as a globetrotter should do it, but I wish to travel across many places in the globe. Because of that I would like to go to an uncountable number of places.
However, one of these places is the United States, particularly the state of California. I would like to stay there because I love music, and I grew up listening many rock bands formed right there. These bands constantly mention to Los Angeles like a magic place in where the present atmosphere leads them to create music with a special character or nature. Principally, this nature refer to the complex formed by the beach ambient, a reference to a city of Angels as a big and crazy city which includes some related conflicts, and a multicultural place where a lot of artistic expressions gains sense.  
I like to meeting interesting people there, and to move around cultural places there. I like to go to some rock shows and another kind of arts too.
And something that interests me a lot is to work there and travelling into other states of that country. It would be an important experience that I wish to achieve.  

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas in sight

The Christmas spirit is everywhere today.  Because of that is appropriate to talk about this important holiday which drives the people crazy and what we think about this particular festivity.
Christmas have a religious origin based in a catholic motive, which is related to the birth of Jesus Christ, the human incarnation of god to this religion. This celebration has a cultural side which has been transmitted to millions of people in the world, principally in occidental cultures where this festivity is a central civil holiday in the year schedule.
 The religious initial motive was turning to a commercial custom trough the expansion of the gift giving tradition. In Modern times this feast includes some particular customs like sharing whit family around a special meal, a decoration of houses and Christmas’s trees, the Christmas cards exchange, and the myth of Santa Claus (“Viejito Pascuero” in our country).
In my opinion the creation of Santa Claus figure symbolizes all the commercialization spirit which has contaminated the initial sense of the festivity. When I was a kid this feast was important to me because I was nervous about this character (Santa) and If he brings to me or not the gift that I have asked to him.
However since I am not a catholic believer and when I discover the truth of Santa’s myth I see this festivity as an exclusive commercial date which the companies desperately expects.  The people get mad in the street and in commercial centers as if it was the only sense of the feast. I really dislike this and I expect that in a future this situation make a U turn.
There is a mix of believers and not-believers in my family and that makes the feast fine. We usually stay together whit my parents and grandparents and we share a meal. Is a moment to share in family and at twelve o clock of 25th we start to exchange some gifts.

Friday, December 16, 2011

An english summer

If one thing is certain nowadays is that to have regular classes in a regular vacation time –such as the period covered between December and March- is very weird. Moreover, this weird term presents to me in a crucial moment of the degree as sociologist. At this moment I am finishing my professional practice as sociologist at Peñalolén town council working in a crime prevention project which has involved much of my capacities. Otherwise, at this particular moment in university and life to take this IV English course have been to me some strange because is the only unresolved subject that I have and is not a central matter in the curriculum. So, this fact makes me think “I am going to university only for this?, what a slack student! ”
However, I perceive this summer period coursing english classes as an opportunity to improves the english level and hope exercising the language with entertaining activities.